Freitag, 30. Jänner 2009

GAS STATION COZY oder: in Amerika ist alles a bisserl größer!

GAS STATION COZYby Jennifer MarshA fifty-year-old abandoned gas station might seem an unlikely site for a public art display, but it was the perfect fit for Jennifer Marsh’s World Reclamation Art Project.

ABOVE: The World Reclamation Art Project on display in DeWitt, New York, 2008. Photo: Cathryn Lahm.ON THE COVER: Loren Schwerd, The Corner of Maurice and Chartres St., 2007; human hair, steel wire, fiberglass screen, thread, satin ribbon; hair threaded through screening and arranged into loose ponytails, stitched; 18" x 16" x 5". Schwerd’s hair-art memorials created in the wake of Hurricane Katrina are the subject of the feature on page 38. Photo: Kevin Duffy.

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